Thursday, 3 February 2022

IMPORTANT Questions on Haloalkanes & Haloarenes



Chapter – Haloalkanes & Haloarenes                                                                                                      4 Marks

( JKBOSE-   2 Marks Questions *2 Questions ) – IMPORTANT QUESTIONS ARE HIGHLIGHTED


Q1. Write two methods of preparation of haloalkanes & Haloarenes.

Q2. Write two chemical properties of haloalkanes & haloarenes .

Q3. Write short notes on :- I) Finkelstein Reaction & II) Swartz Reaction

Q4. Write chemical reactions for I) Groove’s Process  & II) Deacon Process

Q5. Write short notes on I) Electrophilic Substitution reaction    II) Nucleophilic reactions

Q6. What products are formed when haloalalkanes reacts with  Na  & Zn metals ( **Wurtz & Frankland reaction )

Q7. Write short notes on I) Fittig Reaction      II) Wurtz-Fittig reaction

Q8. Write short notes on I) Ulmann reaction    II) Formation of RMgx From RX

Q10. Write Preparation & Properties of I) DDT     II) Chloroform

Q11. Write short notes on-  I) Holoform reaction     II) Freons

Q12. Write mechanism of SN1 & SN2 reaction in Haloalkanes.

Q13. What are ambident Nucleophiles. Explain with two examples.

Q15. Give the uses of Freon 12, DDT, CCl4 & CHI3.

Q16. How you can prepare I) Westron ( CHCl2CHCl2)    &      II) Westrosol ( CHCl= CCl2). Also write their IUPAC names.

Q17. Write a short note on –I) Satyzeff rule     II) Dow’s Process

Q18. Write short notes on _) Retention of Configuration    II) Inversion of Configuration

Q19. Prepare the following –I) Phosgene from Chloroform    II) DDT from chlorobenzene & Chloral

Q20. Why aromatic nucleophilic substitution reactions are not possible in haloarenes?  If they do so only then in drastic consitions.


Q1. Explain why the dipole moment of chlorobenzene is lower than that of cyclohexylchloride ?

Q2. Write the mechanism of :- nBuBr + KCN  + (Et-OH-H2O)   à n BuCN

Q3. Explain why RX , though polar , are immiscible with water ?

Q4. Explain why RMgX should be prepared under anhydrous conditions?

Q5. Explain why But-2-ene is more stable product of elimination reaction of 2-chlorobutane with Alc. KOH ?

Q6. Which one the following has the highest dipole moment ? Explain Why?

A) CH2Cl2 B) CHCl3   C) CCl4

Q7. Which compound in each of the following pairs will react faster in SN2 reaction with OH- & why?

A) CH3Br or CH3I     B) (CH3)3C-Cl or (CH3)2CH-Cl      C) CH3-CH(CH3)- CH2CH2-Br Or CH3CH2CH(CH3)-CH2-Br       D)  C6H11-CH2-Cl Or   C2H11-Cl

Q8. Why Iodobutane is SN2 faster than Chlorobutane .

Q9. Haloalkanes react with KCN to form RCN as main product while AgCN forms RNC as main product . Explain

Q10. Haloalkanes react with Aq. KOH forms Alcohols while reacts with Alc. KOH forms alkenes. Explain

Q11. Arrange the following compounds in order  of their increasing B.pts:-

I)  Bromomethane, Bromoform , Chloromethane, Dibromomethane

II) 1-chloropropane , Isopropyl chloride, 1-chlorobutane

Q12. P-Isomer of dichlorobenzene has highest melting & boiling point as compared to O - & m- isomer of dichlorobenzne. Explain why ?

Q13. Why Sulphuric acid not used during the reaction of alcohols with KI?

Q14. Identify the isomer of alkane  with MF- C5H12 that one photochemical chlorination yields I)  A single monochloride    II) Four isomeric monochlorides

Q15. Although Cl is an EWG , yet it is O/p- directing in ArSE reactions. Why?

Q16. Primary alkyl halide C4H9Br (a) reacted with alcoholic KOH to give compound (b).Compound (b) is reacted with HBr to give (c) which is an isomer of (a). When (a) is reacted with sodium metal it gives compound (d), C8H18 which is different from the compound formed when n-butyl bromide is reacted with sodium. Give the structural formula of (a) and write the equations for all the reactions.

Q17. Out of C6H5CH2Cl and C6H5CHClC6H5, which is more easily hydrolysed by aq.KOH ?

Q18. Predict all the alkenes that would be formed by dehydrohalogenation of following halides with EtONa in EtOH & identify the major alkene-  I) 2-chloro-2-methylbutane II) 2,2,3-trimethyl-3-bromopentane    (HINT – use -Satyzeff rule)

Q19. Write the equations for the preparation of 1-Iodobutane from –I) Butanol      II) Butene

Q20. Why does NO2 group show its effect only at Ortho & Para- positions & not at meta  position of Chlorobenzene?

1 comment:

  1. Other chapters will be posted here within one week. Working on same track.


Haloalkanes & Haloarenes II

Haloalkanes & Haloarenes II Part I deals with RX & chloroform Part 2 deals with ArX & Dihalides + Properties of chloroform.  ...